BD Thai Food IPO Application & Result 2021
BD Thai Food IPO Application Form. BD Thai Food & Beverage IPO subscription circular 2021 has published. Thai Food & Beverage IPO Application Form download. BD Thai Food IPO Online Application will be started from December 23, 2021 and Mir IPO application last date December 29, 2021. Applicants can download Prospectus, Refund warrant list, application form. NRB Application close date 22/12/2021
Lottery Draw & IPO Result Information:
Lottery draw result will publish with January 2022. Initial Public Offer (IPO) will be selected by lottery in front of applicants. BD Thai Food ipo result will publish on online after 2:30 PM on the same day.
The company is engaged in processing of different kinds of fruit juices, carbonated beverages, drinking water, hard candies, soft candies, Lollipops, Gums, etc. More than 20,000,000 share will be distribute as public offer. IPO public offer 20,771,547 ordinary share. BD Thai Food IPO IPO market lot xxx share. Basic Earn Per Share EPS is Tk. 6.32 only
BD Thai is Food and beverage company. They are helping to develop the country by constructing many thing. They are engaged to produce various types of food and drinks like candies, juices, water, Gum etc.
Issuer manager is IDLC Investment Limited. Mir Akter web site:
BD Thai Food & Beverage IPO Result
BD Thai Food & Beverage IPO Prospectus